In order to manufacture different kinds of reinforced flexible graohite cords to used for making different kinds of braided flexible graphite packings,we use flexible graphite as basic materrial, mixing with naturalfiber,syntehtic fiber ,metalalloy wire(respectively)and pyoper binding agent,then through specially desingned technological process. The braided packing made of these fiexible graphite cords reiforced by different media,circumstances,temperature and pressur., Furthermore,for using these prducts under severelycorrosive cricumstances upon the demands of customers, inhibitors of corrosino 壓力兆帕Mpa 3 25 50
溫度 攝氏℃ - 200-850
線速度米/秒/s 0-20
pH值 pH 0-14
corrosion can be added into the graphite crods for making the properties of the graphite sealing parts more perfect.