Structure Characteristics:
Active grinding roller system with hydraulic listing and hydraulic loading; the feeder, grinding roller and the separator adopts frequency conversion adjusting speed; the main motor with coupling.
The main materials, that the new type vertical superfine grinder is applied to crush and grind mainly contain calcite, limestone, pyrophyllite, barite, fluorite, glaze, slag, wollastonite, kaolin, vermiculite, mica, feldspar, brucite, spores, potassium salt slag, garnet, quartz, ilmenite, magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, dolomite, etc. And the vertical roller mill can also be used to the non-metal mining areas with the Mohs hardness of less than 7degree, such as mining metallurgy, chemical industry, electronics, medicine, food, daily chemical, agriculture, building, and so on.
Working Principle:
The new type vertical superfine grinder consists of screw feeder, main unit, blower, separator, cyclone powder collector, bag powder collector, piping system, and PLC electric control system with frequency conversion and high configuration. The main unit is composed of upper and lower body, grinding roller, grinding table, hydraulic loading and hoisting system, air distributing channel, main motor, speed reducer, etc. When working, the raw materials is fed into the main unit evenly and continuously by the screw feeder on the side of the above of the main body. Under the action of the centrifugal force caused by the rapidly rotating grinding table, the materials are throw to the inside wall of the grinding table and brought to the zone of action of grinding rollers and the grinding table. Through the hydraulic loading to the grinding rollers, and the differential transformer of the grinding rollers and the grinding table, the materials are pulverized after being sheared and crimpedstrongly in the zone of action. The high pressure and big flow air currents caused by the blower will be combined with the crushed powder through the closed cycle air supply system, to form high concentration ones, and then go to the separator above the main unit to classify the powder. The unqualified fine particles will fall back to the grinding table and be grinded once again. The qualified micro-powder will go through the separator with the air currents and then go into the cyclone powder collector. In the powder collector, Themicro-powder separated with the air will be out from the discharge port to be the finished product. In the air cycle process, the little spare air together with the light impurity in the finished products will be collected by the branch dust collector to be processed as low-grade products. Then it forms a scientific and advanced process.
1運行成本低 low operation cost
磨粉效率高,電耗低,和球磨機雷蒙等其他粉磨設備相比減少了40-50%的耗電量。磨耗 小,輥套、 襯板用特殊材質,使用壽命長,減少了產品的金屬污染,降低了運行成本。可裝備有外部循環裝置, 能進一步降低電力消耗,提高產品精度。
It can high efficiently crush the materials by grinding rollers and material bed. So the power consumption system is 40-50% less than the ball mills system. And its energy-saving effect will be more prominent with the increase of the materials’humidity.
2建設費用低 low installation cost
立式磨和球磨系統相比占地面積可減少約50%,建設費用減少約70%。由于集破碎、干燥、粉磨、 分級輸送于一體,系統簡單,因此建設費用低廉。
(a) Compared with the ball mill, it has a simple crafts process and covers an small construction area, with the covering area less than 50% and construction cost less than 70%.
(b) This machine merges the crushing, drying, grinding, and classifying into a single whole. With a simple structure and compact layouts, it is suitable for the outdoor design, which ensures a low construction cost.
3運轉容易可靠 Reliable Function
裝備有自動控制裝置,可實現遠程控制,操作簡單容易。裝備有防止輥套和磨輥襯板之間直接接觸 裝置,不會出現破壞性劇烈震動。
(a) Equipped with the automatic controlling equipment, it has realized the remote control, which makes a convenient operation.
(b) It has the equipment which can prevent the direct touch between the roller sleeve and grinding plate, which can avoid the crushing intense shaking.
4維修方便 Easy to Repair
The roller sleeve and plate are easy to change in a short time by fixing the oil tank and turning around the flexible arms.
5公害少 Environment-Friendly
Environment-friendly, energy-saving; slight vibration, low noise and dust; clean working condition.
6產品質量穩定 Reliable Quality
物料在磨內停留時間短,易于對產品粒度及化學成分的檢測和控制,本機帶有高精度分析機,對325 目至6000目產品進行分級,分級精度高,切割粒精準,產品質量穩定。
With the splate products quality and even particle size, it makes the materials have a short stay in the mill. This is convenient to test and control the products size and the chemistry ingredients the products size: 352-6000meshes.
Technical Parameters:
Specification and Technical Parameter of RTM New Type Vertical Superfine Grinder (superfine powder of ground calcium carbonate, talc, gypsum etc non-mine)